Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

The sun is so bright... I can't see Mommy

Macy Noelle (cousin) 3 months and Bray 7 months

Yummy eggs...

Caitlin Mia (cousin) and Bray

I love my family!

Watching Uncle David Play Baseball...

I love my JOB!

I was talking to Mark recently about life before Brayden... Looking back, I realize that my life now has a purpose. My amazing little man has changed my outlook on life and given me a new profession that I love! My job as a mommy is the most rewarding and least dramatic profession I have ever had. I wake up everyday thanking God for the true blessing he has given me.

Of coarse, I have an amazing side-kick (husband) who supports me and allows me to work 2 jobs that I am passionate about. Being a mom is my first love and passion while fitness is my outlet to a healthy life for me and my family.

I couldn't do what I love without my wonderful mother and supporting friends and family who help me along the way. With their help I have learned how to juggle my part-time career and motherhood. Thank you to each of you who have been a lifesaver along the way... love you!

Trying to play catch-up....

I have been slacking on keeping up-to-date on all Brayden's adventures. Here are a few to try and catch-up...

Brayden's New ATV Rider

Mark and I picked up a great deal on a Flinstone ATV rider for Brayden this past weekend. We knew he was probably a little small for it now but he would quickly grow into it. After Mark assembled it (with many small pieces) he was ready to take off in his new car. He loved it for the most part...until he got stuck under the steering wheel.

After a long boys were worn out!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Starting to teeth...

As on today, Brayden is 7 months old and getting bigger by the day! I'm about to pack up his 6 month winter clothes and bring out the big boy summer wardrobe. I remember the day I never thought he would fit into this years winter stuff and now he is out growing it.
I never understood what people were talking about when they said enjoy every stage. Babies grow up so fast and change so much the first year. I know find myself enjoying these days and soaking up my precious time with my baby boy.
As of today, teething has begun and so has the drool. After his bath tonight, I rubbed his gums and found the beginnings of his first tooth. He has been drooling all day but a real trooper as far as pain goes. I knew something had to be up because he didn't sleep an once compared to most days but wasn't a real pill. I am such a lucky mom to have such a great kid....truly blessed!
I will have to post pics of Brayden's new big boy rocking chair. He's still a bit small for it but I know he is going to love it when he gets a little bigger. :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jumping on the bandwagon...

With so much pressure, I decided to give in and make a blogging page for my growing family. ;) No, I'm not pregnant but I thought that would be a good opening statement and eye catcher for all my dedicated family and friends reading my blog.
I have to admit, I am not the most graceful person with words but I will do my best. I am really excited to capture many of Brayden's milestones and share our life with our family and friends on opposite sides of the world. So, ready or goes nothing!!! PS.. Thanks Tanae for the little push! ;)